Siam Center The Summer Trend Setter

Siam Center, a gathering place for fashionistas and a hub for updating trends before anyone else. It offers a variety of leading brands from around the world, including streetwear, fashion, sportswear, Korean fashion, and international fashion, catering to every lifestyle.

暹罗中心Siam Center 时尚前卫的创意之城,不仅是潮流中心,也是时尚达人的聚集地,抢先把握最新时尚潮流趋势。来自世界各地的众多领先品牌入驻,风格多样,包括街头、时尚、运动性能、韩国、国际,涵盖所有的生活方式!

Pinpointed for your shopping pleasure, hot summer items have been carefully selected until they're heart-wrenchingly gorgeous, with special promotions exclusively for Siam Center's customers!

精心挑选的时尚购物目的地,让您尽情选购热门商品以迎接夏天的到来。福利满满!仅限暹罗中心Siam Center顾客的特别促销活动

Adidas Originals, G Floor, Siam Center
A collection of sneakers, fashion leading items that reflect the identity of street style fans. It offers a complete range of shoes, sneakers, clothing, accessories, and limited edition collections. Don't miss out on updating your global trend here!

Adidas Originals,暹罗中心Siam Center G
作为街头原创品牌,Adidas Originals一直走在体育运动和时尚潮流的前沿,以不断的创新引领行业发展。包括有鞋履、运动鞋、服装、配饰单品、以及限量系列单品,色彩和风格多样。不想错过全球潮流新款的话,必逛不可!

ADLV, M Floor, Siam Center
A super hot Korean import brand that has landed in the heart of Siam Center with easy-to-wear fashion pieces suitable for everyday life, such as t-shirts and hoodies with simple but detailed graphics. ADLV has become a wardrobe staple for many people.

ADLV,暹罗中心Siam Center M
今年夏天最火潮牌非ADLV莫属,直接从韩国进口,即将降落在暹罗中心Siam Center的中心。为大家带来了日常百搭的时尚单品,比如T恤、卫衣等,简单的涂鸦或印花图案设计却不失亮点,细节之处总有惊喜,让ADLV成为许多人爱不释手的时尚单品

Dickies, M Floor, Siam Center
The first flagship store of Dickies in the heart of the city is located at Siam Center! This legendary brand, which has been around for more than 100 years, is beloved by the streetwear community for its timeless designs that continue to be updated with modern trends and an industrial fragrance. In addition to fashion, it also has a function for every era, making it a must-have item for many people. At the Siam Center branch, it is the first stop for various special collections to be launched here first, and for those who want to keep up with the latest trends.

Dickies,暹罗中心Siam Center M
Dickies在市中心的首家旗舰店就在暹罗中心Siam CenterDickies是一个拥有100多年悠久历史的工装潮牌,并坚持不断拓展、更新和关注现代生活方式趋势,创新再度演绎百年工装经典。潮流感与实用性兼具,玩转混搭!
暹罗中心Siam Center分店也是品牌特别系列率先展售的首家店铺, 紧跟最新时尚风潮,保证能抢先入手新品

Nike Bangkok, G Floor, Siam Center
The largest flagship store of Nike in Bangkok comes with a special service called "Nike by You", allowing you to add your own personal touch to your Nike items. You can be creative with the special collections from famous artists, making sure you are always expressing your true self.

Nike Bangkok,暹罗中心Siam Center G
首家规模最大的旗舰店,为您提供Nike by You服务,解锁定制服务新体验,可以增添个人独特元素,尝试打造属于自己的Nike单品。同时展示著名艺术家的特别系列单品,您可以从中获得更多创作灵感。

Converse, M Floor, Siam Center
Converse is one of the top must-have items for fashion enthusiasts. Not only are they comfortable sneakers for everyday wear, but they can also be mixed and matched with various styles, along with many other fashion items such as clothes, bags, and accessories. It is a well-known brand that is loved by many people.

Converse匡威,暹罗中心Siam Center M
Converse匡威,时尚达人衣橱里不可或缺的品牌之一。不仅仅是日常生活中穿着的帆布鞋,还可以搭配出多种风格来点亮整体造型或混搭崭新风格形象,包括衣服和包包配饰等时尚单品。 可以称得上是一直深受全世界喜爱的知名品牌之一。

Boy London, M Floor, Siam Center
This streetwear brand features a recognizable bird symbol and offers premium quality fashion items with unique patterns, details, and fabrics. It is definitely worth it for fashion lovers who have a punk-rock spirit.

Boy London,暹罗中心Siam Center M
Boy London是英国街头潮流服饰品牌,带有熟悉的老鹰品牌logo,极受欢迎。注重版型剪裁、面料选择和细节处理,为大家带来各式各样的优质时尚单品,朋克摇滚爱好者们绝不能错过!

Mardi Mercredi, M Floor, Siam Center
For those who are into Korean fashion, Mardi Mercredi is the hottest brand right now. It is easy to spot various idols wearing their Flowermardi collection, which features colorful flower patterns on easy-to-wear fashion pieces such as T-shirts and hoodies. They have been a best-selling brand for a long time. Today, there's no need to pre-order and make things complicated. You can now visit the "Mardi Mercredi First Drop Pop-Up Store" on level M at Siam Center.

Mardi Mercredi,暹罗中心Siam Center M
Mardi Mercredi是韩国目前大热的潮流品牌之一,相信韩迷朋友们肯定都听过这个品牌。这个品牌一直被韩国偶像明星所青睐,不管是日常穿着、还是综艺节目都能看到Mardi Mercredi服装的身影。Mardi独有的雏菊花图案已渐渐成为该品牌的标志,出现在各式时尚单品上,包括比较日常百搭的T恤和卫衣等单品,极受欢迎和热情追捧。
现在无需预购,即可在暹罗中心Siam Center M层的首家Mardi Mercredi 快闪店进行购买。

PUMA Flagship Store, G floor, Siam Center
PUMA comes with a premium yet sporty style to have more fun with mixing and matching in everyday life, but still keeping its performance feature. Ready to cater to every need.

PUMA 彪马旗舰店,暹罗中心Siam Center G
PUMA 彪马带来崭新运动风格设计,时尚又不失高级感,让日常生活的穿搭选择变得更加有趣。而且性能表现依旧十分出色,店铺的区域划分合理明确,绝对能满足您的所有需求。

VANS New Concept Flagship Store, G floor, Siam Center
A brand that has captured the hearts of streetwear enthusiasts around the world for a long time, now with the largest flagship store and the first to showcase its new collection. The highlight of this VANS new concept store is the customization area, where you can D.I.Y VANS shoes, clothes, and bags to make them uniquely yours, only one piece in the world.

VANS全新概念旗舰店,暹罗中心Siam Center G
在街头文化热潮尚未席卷全球之时,VANS早已名声大噪,赢得了世界各地街头时尚人士的芳心。作为规模最大的旗舰店入驻以及全新系列抢先登陆,这家VANS全新概念旗舰店的重头戏在其设置的Customization Area定制区,顾客可以亲自DIY设计世上独一无二、专属于自己的VANS潮流鞋款、服装和包包。

XLarge Flagship Store, M floor, Siam Center
The coolest streetwear brand of the 90s, a true pioneer who has disrupted the world of streetwear fashion for more than 30 years. Today, it is available for easy shopping in the city center, whether it's the original collection, collaborations, or the latest collections. At Siam Center, you can find everything from #FR2, New Era, TUPAC, Delicious Vinyl, and special collections, including collaborations with the classic movie Space Jam. Because Siam Center is the first and only flagship store in the South East Asia region, it's the destination for fashion lovers from all over the world.

XLarge旗舰店,暹罗中心Siam Center M
XLarge 90年代的街头老牌,是街头服饰品牌先驱者,30多年来引领街头潮流时尚界。品牌风格简约,但永不过时。现在直接从美国进口,不用出国就可以轻松买到,无论是原创系列、各种合作款还是最新系列单品,在暹罗中心Siam Center都能找到!从#FR2New EraTUPACDelicious Vinyl到与经典电影《怪物奇兵》(Space Jam)合作的特别联名系列,一应俱全。暹罗中心Siam Center店是东南亚首家,也是唯一一家XLarge旗舰店,世界各地时尚爱好者和黑帮时尚爱好者的必逛之地。