Siam Center Splashtastic Fun Fest 2024

1 - 30 April 2024

The trendsetting city of ideas, Siam Center celebrates its 50th anniversary by inviting everybody to unleash the ultimate fun with the "Siam Center Splashtastic Fun Fest". Welcome to the hottest season full of excitement! Elevate your summer with arts, fashion, lifestyle, and cutting-edge technology. From 1 - 30 April, 2024.

暹罗中心Siam Center潮流引领地,庆祝50周年
让我们打开空调,尽情释放活力!加入暹罗中心Siam Center 欢乐宋干节,迎来趣味无限的夏天,让这些夏季活动更加隆重热闹,适合艺术、时尚、生活方式和尖端技术领域人士。2024年4月1-30日

Experience the Highlight with “INTERACTIVE AQUATIC EXPERIENCES”, Dive into the unique mesmerizing world of 3D Interactive Art Waves at the center of Siam. From 10 - 21 April at G Floor, Siam Center.

精彩看点就是INTERACTIVE AQUATIC EXPERIENCES,这是一个以互动艺术3D的形式在暹罗商圈中心举办的终极巨浪艺术活动,用最精彩独特的方式庆祝宋干节。4月10-21日,暹罗中心Siam Center G楼

Get ready to take a shot at “AQUATIC ART SPACE”, creative art space around Siam Center. From 1 April - 25 May at G Floor and 2nd Floor, Siam Center.

艺术玩家们快来看看AQUATIC ART SPACE这个极具活力的空间都有哪些拍照打卡点吧!4月1日-5月25日,欢迎光临暹罗中心Siam Center G楼和2楼

Update the latest fashion trend at Absolute Siam Batik Pop-Up by F.O.S. Discover the exquisite batik fabric collection from a new generation of designers at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (F.O.S), collaborating with local batik entrepreneurs from Narathiwat province to create unique patterns crafted to welcome this summer season! From 1 - 30 April at M Floor, Siam Center.

欢迎来刷新时尚潮流 Absolute Siam Batik Pop-Up by F.O.S 由年轻设计师独家打造的蜡染系列 Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya(F.O.S) 与陶公府的泰国蜡染创业团队一起创造独特图案,迎接今年夏季。4月1-30日,暹罗中心Siam Center M楼

Pin your date for a blazing lineup of #FriendofSiamCenter artists, bringing vibrancy through sounds and activities all season long.

与艺术家 #FriendofSiamCenter 一起举办精彩活动,为夏季音乐节画上圆满句号。暹罗中心之友将在这个季节持续不断通过音乐和众多活动创造缤纷色彩。

On 10 April, 17:00 - 18:00 : Meet the newest artist #DICE

4月10日 17:00-18:00 与新艺术家见面 #DICE

On 11 April
18:00 - 19:00 : Join us for the Fashion Show by Vanity Club with Bank Mondop, Mos Panuwat and many more artists, all coming together for an ultimate show!

On 12 April
15:00 - 16:00 : Meet the artists from ENT SYNC THAiLAND led by Auto Satirapong, Grain Attaphun, Guide Piyawat, Champ Paradon, Mark Luckkharveen.
19:00 - 20:00 : Meet with Tle and First-one from Domundi.

4 月 11 日
18:00- 19:00 欢迎来欣赏Bank Mondop的Vanity Club时装秀,同时还有Mos Panuwat 等众多明星到场热烈助阵。

4 月 12 日
15:00-16:00 : 与来自 ENT SYNC THAiLAND 的艺术家见面,团队成员包括: Auto Satirapong 、Grain Attapan、Guide Piyawat、Champ Paradorn 和 Mark Luckkharveen
19:00-20:00 : 与来自Domundi的Tle和First-one见面

On 13 April
15:00-16:00 : Artists from PLAYBOYY THE SERIES.
19:00-20:00 : Meet with Thomas and Kong from Domundi.

4 月 13日
15:00-16:00 :来自PLAYBOYY THE SERIES的艺人
19:00-20:00 : 与来自Domundi 的Thomas和Kong见面

On 14 April
15:00-16:00 : Boost your energy with the cuteness from VIIS and ALALA.
19:00-20:00 : Experience ultimate excitement with the hottest couple, Zee Pruk and Nunew Chawarin from DOMUNDI.

4 月 14日
15:00-16:00 : 与可爱的 VIIS 和 ALALA 女孩们一起创造活力元气
19:00-20:00 : 与来自DOMUNDI的当红“Zee Pruk和Nunew Chawarin”见面

On 15 April
15:00-16:00 : Meet with Bow-IMM and Slow Sunday from Club After Class.
19:00-20:00 : Meet with Latte, Tee and James from Domundi

4 月 15日
15:00-16:00 :与来自Club After Class 的Bow-IMM 和 Slow Sunday见面
19:00-20:00 :与来自 Domundi 的 Latte、Tee 和 James见面

16 April, say goodbye for Songkran Festivities fulfill this holiday with the celebrities!
15:00-16:00 : THE KNOT SHOW 2024 by THE KNOT THAILAND #TheKnotShow2024 #THEKNOTTHAILAND led by Chai Ya
19:00-20:00 : Meet with Keng and Namping from Domundi.

4 月 16日宋干节压轴精彩,尽情享受假日。
15:00-16:00 : 与 THE KNOT SHOW 2024见面
19:00-20:00 : 与来自 Domundi 的 Keng和Namping见面

Level up the heat! Siam Center brings in the hottest trends with the Pop Mart Pop Up Store, featuring new collections hotter than ever.
From 1 - 30 April at Atrium 1, G Floor, Siam Center.

热度升级!暹罗中心Siam Center掀起了包括泡泡玛特快闪店在内的全球知名品牌快闪店热门风潮,打卡新地点,就属我最萌!艺术玩家们快准备好赢取独家收藏系列吧!2024年4月1日-6月30日,欢迎光临G楼Atrium 1

The first time in the world!! Pop Up Store from Stand Oil, the famous Korean brand, featuring the bag collection used by Korean idols available on 5 - 28 April at G floor, Siam Center.

Join the Reroute Ecorevive Harmony Event Pop Up by Billkin on 2 - 7 April, BWB Pop Up Store by GoyNattyDream on 25 March - 30 April, Kirsh Pop Up Shop on 2 - 30 April, and Vanity Club Pop Up on 26 March - 30 June, available at G floor Siam Center.

世界首次!!高人气韩国品牌Stand Oil开设快闪店,将韩国偶像在首尔常用的一系列包包直接带到暹罗中心Siam Center。4月5-28日,G楼

还有来自Billkin的Reroute Ecorevive Harmony活动快闪店 4月2-7日,欢迎光临位于G楼的来自GoyNattyDream三位美女的 BWB快闪店 3月25日-4月30日,欢迎光临G楼Kirsh快闪店 4月2-30日, 欢迎光临G楼Vanity Club快闪店 3月26日-6月30日。

Beat the heat and have fun right here! Only at Siam Center, the trendsetting city of ideas!

在热风和欢乐中享受丰富多样的活动!仅此一处,就在暹罗中心Siam Center潮流引领地!!